Proof of Loss Help | Property Insurance | Liberty Adjusters

Home or Office Damage? We’ll Handle It! See up to 574% More for Repairs. Let’s Chat about Your Claim

Documenting the Damage

When you file a property damage claim in Florida or Texas, you want to be paid out as soon as possible so that you can get started making repairs. However, in some cases, there may be a delay on your insurance claim. You may receive a proof of loss request from your insurance company before any settlement offer is made. If you receive a Proof of Loss request, you are obligated to submit and return it to your insurance carrier. A proof of loss is not requested in every case, and is sent at the discretion of the insurer. Our Tampa, FL public adjusters and Dallas-Fort Worth, TX public adjusters will prepare and manage the Proof of Loss request for you so you have peace of mind knowing it’s expertly handled.

Proof of Loss Requests Mistakes to Avoid

A proof of loss request does not mean that your property damage claim is going to be denied. It simply means that the insurance company needs additional information or documentation. When you work with Liberty Adjusters, we’ll make sure that all damage is properly documented so that any insurance claim issues can be resolved quickly.

Our experts help you dramatically increase your odds of a successful outcome by handling the proof of loss request with proper care. Liberty Insurance Adjusters help you avoid common pitfalls that unknowingly damage your own insurance claims. We know the ways that insurance carriers will try to trip you up so they can avoid a fair settlement on your claim.

These are very common errors that homeowners make when trying to submit on their own:

  1.  Missing a deadline: When it comes to property insurance claim, deadlines are key. Failure to return a proof of loss request before the deadline could result in your insurance claim being denied. Do not give the company a reason to deny your claim!

  2.  Misrepresentation: A proof of loss request is a sworn statement, so lack of transparency could result in your claim being denied. Even worse, it could result in further adverse action being taken against you. Always be honest. Our team can help document the damage and keep the facts straight.

  3.  Not knowing the terms your policy: Take time to review your insurance policy to ensure that you fully understand your obligations and requirements. Liberty Adjusters, under the ins and outs of your individual policy coverage. Remember, the failure to follow through with any of these requirements could result in your claim being denied.

Was Your Property Insurance Claim Denied?

Liberty Adjusters is here to right the wrong of your insurance carrier. Our insurance claims adjusters have helped many business and homeowners throughout the Tampa Bay and Dallas-Fort Worth areas to recover full and fair settlement offers. If your claim was denied, call our public adjusters today. We will review your claim, free of charge with no further obligations to you. We represent property owners throughout Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, including in Tampa, St. Pete, Clearwater, and Dallas-Fort Worth.