Our Claims Process | Liberty Insurance Adjusters Tampa Bay, FL

Home or Office Damage? We’ll Handle It! See up to 574% More for Repairs. Let’s Chat about Your Claim


Our Claims Process


Step 1: Initial Contact

Whether you have contacted us via phone (813) 922-5129, email: info@libertyinsuranceadjusters.com or through our website: www.libertyinsuranceadjusters.com, an adjuster from Liberty Adjusters LLC will respond to you as quickly as possible. We will review your information, explain the claims process in depth, answer any questions you may have and schedule an initial inspection of your damage.


Step 2: Appointment of Liberty Adjusters LLC to represent you

For Liberty Adjusters LLC to represent you, we must have authorization allowing us to have contact with your insurance company. To do that, we will need a signed authorization form so that we can notify the insurance company to discuss your claim, negotiate scope of loss and any insurance settlements.

This is our Letter of Representation. Also, at this time, we will discuss our fees with you based on your needs and coverages. Our fee is 20% of the claim total, unless the damage occurred during a declared state of emergency, in which it becomes 10% of the claim made during the first year after the declaration of the emergency.

Liberty Adjusters LLC wants to make sure that any fees and related expenses are understood up front so there are no surprises. After the fees are explained and agreed upon, we will have all involved parties sign our Public Adjuster Contract.


Step 3: Investigation

After the Liberty Adjusters LLC adjuster opens the claim and sends our Letter of Representation to the insurance company, we will coordinate with the insurance company’s adjuster (Field Adjuster).

This means that we may need to schedule another site visit with the Field Adjuster and/or coordinate our findings with the Field Adjuster via phone call or email. At this time, the Liberty Adjusters LLC adjuster will submit an estimate along with any photos or other pertinent information needed for your claim. The Field Adjuster from your insurance company will also submit his/her findings as well. This process may take up to three weeks.


Step 4: Negotiations and Settlement

Once your insurance company reviews and compares both estimates (the estimate from Liberty Adjusters LLC and the estimate from their Field Adjuster), the insurance company will likely contact our office and propose a settlement. Since this process can take a few weeks after submission of the estimates, we initiate claims status follow-up on your behalf to expedite the processing of your claim.

We will never settle a claim without prior approval from you. Once a settlement is approved, the insurance company will send a check to either your mailing address or to the Liberty Adjusters LLC office. The check is usually made payable to all parties involved with the claim. For example: the homeowner, Liberty Adjusters LLC, the mortgage company, and sometimes the contractor, if applicable. Before we can release the check to you, we will provide you with an invoice from Liberty Adjusters LLC and we will need to receive the agreed upon payment from you. At that time, Liberty Adjusters LLC will be able to make the proper arrangements to have the check endorsed. Liberty Adjusters LLC will hold your payment to us until such funds from the insurance company have posted. We typically do all our check releases at our main office.


LASTLY, when our investigation is complete, and we submit the estimate to your insurance company, the insurance company can take up to 90 days, or three months, to notify you of denial or acceptance of your claim.

Because of this lengthy process, there might be a period of inactivity during your claim. Our adjusters are handling many claims at a time and may not be in contact with you during this period. We will only contact you if we require additional information or documents. As soon as we have an update on the status of your claim, we will be in touch with you immediately.

If you would like to request an update on your claim during this time, we will be more than happy to provide you with the most up-to-date information by contacting our office directly.